Welcome to DSP3

A fantastic Python 3 client for Trend Micro’s Deep Security and SmartCheck products.


pip install dsp3
This project is an early stage effort and has a status of experimental. Questions, Comments, Feedback, Missing Calls, etc.
Drop me a line @ jthorne@u.washington.edu

Note: Requires Python 3.5.2 or higher due to reliance on Python’s typing module.

Getting Started

Start by creating a DSM manager object. This manager represents the DSM API endpoint

from dsp3.models.manager import Manager

dsm = Manager(username="username", password="password", tenant="tenant")   #DSaS Example
dsm = Manager(username="username", password="password", host="hostname", port="port")   #On Prem DSM Example

Be sure to close the manager session when finished to avoid exceeding connection limits.


Example Usage

Please refer to the Manager api doc at DSP3 Manager Class for dsp3 capabilities.

  1. Authentication: github.
  2. Get events: github.
  3. Create block by file hash rules: github.
  4. Get manager info: github.
  5. Alerts: github.
  6. Host/s operations: github.
  7. Administrators: github.
  8. Event based tasks: github.
  9. Relays: github.
  10. Scripts: github.
  11. Reports: github.

All code Examples can be found on github

Use Cases

Examples of customer use cases in the field.

  1. Retrieve events to csv files: github